Currently, I just place the wrs in the folder, and it gets listed in the startup window, and I successfully load levels (wmbs) from within the wrs. I just can't figure out how to get a BMAP* to an image BINDed to the wrs. From the docs:
A resource file does not consume memory. Only when a file is read out of a resource, memory is allocated.

I've tried numerous variations of file_load, file_cpy, bmap_load, etc.

As an aside, I'd like to use add_resource() since I'd like to place the wrs in a sub-folder, but when I do that my app can't even retrieve the level's models from the wrs. I can't use the RESOURCE statement in the wdl for project B, cause I need to be able to load additional wdls dynamically. If project B has to know about the wdls at publish time, then the utility of resource files is mostly lost, at least in terms of our project's needs.