I'd say you are using a custom resolution for your game. Now that i think about it, i never tested if shade-c works with 16:9 resolutions. I'll have a look at it.
Please send over a testapplication so i can have a look at your problem.

Cowabanga: If you only want DoF, simply open sc_main.c and comment all the #includes out, except for sc_dof.h and sc_dof.c. You then only have access to DoF. Have a look at the manual for more information ("Customizing Shade-C" -> "Modules").

- Added support for 4 Lights for the shadowmapping Shader.
- Added a basic frustrum culling function for the shadows. This results in the shadows not getting rendered when not on screen. Still needs lots of work though.
- Added simple support for translucent materials. Objects like colored glass and similar things will get projected an the scene according to the lights position. (Think of light shining through the coloured glasses you have in a church)
- Optimized the Screen Space Ambience Occlusion Shader. It now has less edge bleeding.
- Created a first version of Screen Spaced Global Illumination. As far as i know nobody ever did this before. So far all GI shaders were object based. Of course my results aren't as accurate as the ones from the object based versions...but it's A LOT faster and actually useable in a real time application smile Will post screenshots in the next days!

Sorry for the lack of updates. I moved to a new flat again (this time it should be final smile ) and don't have internet access yet.

Watch out for the ssgi update and thanks for all the feedback so far!
If everything goes well i think i will finally release the next version of shade-c at the end of january smile

Shade-C EVO Lite-C Shader Framework