And again just disproven hot air. And again you simply ignore the previous 40 pages of discussion. And again you simply ignore all the facts. It makes really no sense to discuss with you anymore. All we will hear from you is repeating your lies again and again. No matter if disproven earlier.

Again you are thinking about Christian Europe.

Nope, i talk about religions in general. It is you who wants me to think that way because then your arguments would become a bit more valid in your eyes.

And i talk especially about islam. Which is for me one of the most unfree religions around. I talked about arabic society, not european. Islam has changed one of the leading cultures into a stagnating unfree society in the medieval.

But let's talk about a more actual example. Iran. That is Islam how it works when we don't defeat it. That system is the result of your religion where you are so proud at.

Religious slavery!

It is obvious that you have never studied any religions.

Ah, and again, just because i have another opinion my knowledge is not big enough, right? I have no clue what i am talking about, and you are the only wise man here, right? Ah, i forgot, i am one of the worst creatures wink

Don't tell me what i know or not. You, especially you with your closeminded religious poisoned brain, cannot know that.

What is obvious is that you are not longer willing to follow arguments. You never were. You are just interested to defeat your chimera called god. And to ratter the one or another soul maybe.

And don't tell me how i have to read the texts. I think for myself. I don't need a religious fanatic to do that for me. When there stands every non believer burns in hell then it says exact that. And nothing else.

I have learned enough about religions to know that this so called religions lies at me. In an unbelievable shameless manner.

I have learned enough about religions to know that religion is a weapon to control people.

I have learned enough about religions to know that religion is brain washing. You are the best example how this works. At you it works perfect. You have completely stopped thinking. What's left is religious reflexes. An empty shell.

I think i know more about religions than you my friend. I know the important bits about it wink

And to repeat myself: Gimme a proof for the existance of your pink elephant called god. Then let's talk again wink

Nothing of the lies they tell you in so called religious books is true. And especially the lie about a god. There is no god.

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