Nothing of the lies they tell you in so called religious books is true. And especially the lie about a god. There is no god.

I very much agree, but the difficult part is explaining them why it's all a lie.


But not because the explanation is so difficult. It's because religious people tends to be deaf for it. Because that would bring their faith in danger.

Explanation is pretty simple. Science searches for everything that exists. When something exists science will find it sooner or later. Science has not found a single proof for the existance of a god so far though. Nothing. Even worse, science has disproven most of the fairy tales in the so called religious books.

And even for somebody unscientic it is very obvious that there must be something wrong with this books. The content is too inconsistent and conflicts with itself. But exact these Books claims to contain the only truth.

That all can just lead to one conclusion: the whole story the books want to tell is untrue.

Our whole discussion since several pages is as follow:

No, it isn't
Yes it is
No, it isn't
Yes it is
No, it isn't
Yes it is
No, it isn't
Yes it is
No, it isn't
Yes it is
No, it isn't
Yes it is
No, it isn't
Yes it is

To be continued smile

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