
after version 6.00.6, physics entity vs. non-physics entity collision wasn't as reliable as before. no matter if my.polygon is on or off for the hit entity, physics entities often rocket around much too extreme after a collision.

I fixed a bug related to that a couple of weeks ago. Don't know if this is what you were experiencing. Can you retry with the beta to be released tomorrow ?


Hehe, if you change anything on ODE itself be sure to post it on ODEs pages.

Occasionally I contribute to ODE (e.g. I provided a solution to the stack crash problem) , but one reason why I picked this system is that they are not using this horrible GNU license but instead a developer-friendly BSD one.


At one point I attached a Ball Constraint to the player and to the world. Point where it was fixed to the world was a few quants to the right of my object. What I expected to happen, happens...I swing. Problem is, if I take out all drag and friction, I should reach my starting height again, right?

Yes ideally you should reach the starting point again. Ideally adding 10,000 0.0001's should result in a value of 1.0, unfortunately it does not work that way. I did create a test script with a 16 quant sphere attached to (0,0,0) and starting 464 quants along the x-axis. It lost about half a degree per minute of swing time and still looked acceptable after 5 minutes. I can see though, why you would need a perfect swing for your MMUSCLE education. Maybe you can fake it by re-initializing the sphere after each cycle- just check whether the maximum displacement has been reached and call the init function again.
Here's the code used:

action InitSwing {
phent_settype(my, PH_RIGID, PH_SPHERE);
phent_setmass(my, 0.01, PH_SPHERE);
phent_setelasticity(my, 0, 0);
phent_setdamping(my, 0,0);
phent_setmaxspeed(my, 99999,99999);
var cons;
cons= phcon_add(PH_BALL, my, 0);
phcon_setparams1(cons, vector(0,0,0), nullvector, nullvector);

Some more information on how the update is progressing:

* Add some sort of softbody physics based on springs
The beta will have experimental water surfaces that exhibit spring-mass like behavior.

* auto rest feature

* fix wheel bending
Done. (Reduces wheel bending in most cases- you can still make them bend by applying large forces).

* Movement of a vehicle using the physics engine on terrain. Currently when a vehicle moves over a terrain it is tossed all over the place
There was a bug which caused collisions to be missed on terrain, e.g. only three of four wheels would report terrain contacts at any given time.

* Allow events to be used with entities enabled in the physics engine.
What about EVENT_FRICTION? Which event types do you need?

Last edited by Marco_Grubert; 05/05/04 09:47.