OK Tiles. I agree not to discuss this with you. I apologize if I've offended you, it was not my intent.

Dan, thank you for responding to my questions. Regarding point #2, you said the Quran contradicts itself. I have not found any passage which contradicts another. Please provide the verses of which you speak.

As for point #3, hmmm those do seem strange. I will admit that they do seem like pretty unscientific things. I will look into these, and get back to you regarding them.

Number 4 is a strange point also. I meant to say that it would explain things which we were unable to know from reality. Such as how the universe was created, and what happens to us after we die. Certainly these are not fantasy things, they are just things we cannot yet know.

To go a little further on this, it is the fact that we cannot know them which has motivated me to seek religion. Does that sound crazy? I think Pascal's wager is still a strong argument in favor of religion. The only problem with it, is that it doesn't indicate which religion.

Point five: I've provided one example, which is the verse about how mountains are described as 'pegs'. The depths of mountain 'roots' was an unknown phenomenon until very recently.

As far as Arabic is concerned, you're right to a degree. Some translations are off, and do not capture the whole meaning of the original. However, there are plenty of translations available, as well as dictionaries which explain the meanings of the root words. So far these have been sufficient to clear up any texts which have fallen under dispute.

The Arab speaker on the other thread did criticize my translation, but never bothered to provide a better one. I'm sure there probably is a better translation, but he didn't even indicate how the verse was wrong, he just said it was wrong. I can't spend too much time worrying about that kind of comment.

Again, I will have to do some study now, you've put me on the spot with point #3 above.