Hey, Dooley, I was not trying to chase you off, but to help you to see reason. The verse is clear in both the English and the Arabic. In the ancient world you will find that many people gave a lot of attention to the chest area (especially the heart). For example, the ancient Egyptians thought that all thought and emotion emanated from the heart. This is one of the reasons the heart, among other organs, was preserved during mummification while the brain was pulled out through the nose and discarded. The fear (for the dead) was that the heart would bear witness to the bad deeds of the departed preventing them from moving on to the next life.

With all this attention in the ancient world given to the heart (and, thus, the chest area) it is no wonder that the Qur'an indicates that life begins there (between the backbone and the ribs).

In any case, being confounded is no reason to turn tail and run. If you are seeking the truth, then there is nothing to fear and no reason to run.

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