Some of those who strapped bombs to themselves may have been affected by religious fervor but not all - not even most. Many received payments to their families in what seems a hopeless situation and many desired revenge for the deaths being inflicted upon them. Many see the foreign forces as no different than the imperial powers that once subjugated them. Ask yourself what would be the reaction of the youth you know in the Netherlands or the USA if your country held hostile forces all around, if tanks moved down your main streets, if bombs and bullets killed your family and friends. What would your state of mind be? I can see life feeling like torture, being depressed and hopeless and wanting to kill myself - offered an excuse to view that suicide as an act of bravery or martyrdom instead I might take it. If religion did not provide that excuse then I could accept another.

Shouldn't the true essence of religion be doing good and making this world a better place, ...

That is the true essence of religion. Everyone I personally know that is involved with religion preaches this and tries to live it. Sure, there are always some flakes drawn in but most people really want to do the right thing. I see charity and caring and reaching out to people everywhere I look within the church. I've worked in the church and I see generosity of spirit and sincere concern for others. Or does government and science and logic without religion result in some type of Utopian state? History shows it does not. The flaw is in us, not in religion.

It may be convenient to use religion as a scape goat to blame all the ills of the world but that to me is illogical, unreasonable, an avoidance of the truth and our individual responsibility.

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