I'm afraid I have gone off topic on my posts but I appreciated the responses -even if I am always somewhat surprised by the vehemence and rancor that seems to surround discussion of this subject.

I don't believe a Utopian state is possible, we're long passed that opportunity. But in my opinion it has nothing to do with humans being flawed or even religion, but the mere fact that inequality is necessary for progress in the broadest sense possible. You know, I totally support donations and what not to 3rd world countries, but truth is we basically need them in the state they are now. Every healthy country means more competition on the global market.

Our world as it is, is based around an extremely selfish system, prosperity just isn't something you can share with this many people. Averaging everything out to a single standard will definitely mean progress will stop and might even cause very practical issues.

I've thought about this from time to time and think this might be a worthwhile subject for another thread.

Anyway, my final bit here to put me back on topic. Should creationism be taught in school? No - other than possibly a disclaimer at the beginning of the year (?) directing those interested in exploring this view to discuss it with their pastor or other religious leader.

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