To me, the idea that this intelligible universe exists, and that we have intelligence, is evidence of intelligent design. It is a conclusion I've drawn from all the things I've experienced. I cannot prove it, nor can you disprove it. This fact does not prove my point, but it doesn't prove yours either.

For all this universe to have arrived by non-intelligent means seems far more unlikely to me than even the flying guy. The idea that my soap, if I leave it alone for long enough, will some-day in the distant future develop a mind of it's own is simply preposterous.

The problem with evolution without design is that the most complex attribute of life had to come first. That of reproduction. Today, scientists are working hard on making robots and artificial intelligence. There's a lot of hard work, and design which go into such projects. Ask these scientists if they shouldn't start by making the robots reproduce, then the better robots will simply evolve by themselves.

I understand your arguments, I cannot force you or prove to you that I am right. However, I reject the idea that God is unlikely or impossible. Maybe we have two different definitions of God. Are you imagining that I'm talking about a great big bearded man in the sky? This is not my conception of God.

For Lukas, I believe the Quran when it says "Let there be no compulsion in religion". Forcing someone will never make them believe, it will probably turn them against the Quran, so I would not force them.

This is brainless propaganda. Again you totally ignore 60 pages of previous discussion.

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