Originally Posted By: Dooley

What are the testable evidences employed in proving this theory.

This is the wrong approach
You are for sure in good faith but many fundamentalists are not
It makes no sense to ask for for a " testable evidence " of events which occured milion years ago

There are not " evidences " to support the theory of the evolution only " clues "
The point is that all the " clues " converge to the same conclusion
Fundamentalists can try to make a bloody confusion with their smart discussion about the philosophical...pardon... the scientific definition of the term " theory " but all honest people would agree that

" Three clues worth an evidence " ( Italian idiomatic sentence wink )

Useless to say that in this case the clues are hundreds not only three

I make an example

At Darwin's time the age of the earth had been estimated by lord kelvin in some thousand years
Since Lord Kelvin was the max scientific authority ,Darwin himself declared that theory of evolution must be wrong
Some years later it was ascertained that Lord kelvin made a bloody mistake
Our earth is bilion years old ... you see the convergence
Someone else argued that the universe is too small
Some year later it was ascertained that there ar bilions and bilions stars....an other convergence
You get the point

About the book you can read " The making of the fittest " by Sean. B. Carroll but caution , you may be disappointed
He speaks also of the intelligent design smile

Last edited by AlbertoT; 01/30/09 22:15.