Found the falling problem, my bad sorry.
At lines approx 140 & approx 230 you will find a clamp statement(clamped maximum movement speed) that needs changing to
result = clamp(result, -150, 150);

As for the enemies never dying, thats just because the supplied enemy code doesnt have
any "life" tracking, so they can never die, unless you add the code yourself.

Also, heres the whole of Player.c if it makes it easier...
Click to reveal..
function rotate_entity(var rotate_angle, var rotate_speed);
function handle_gravity();
function handle_movement();
function handle_camera();
function handle_animation(var animation_speed); 

#define nullframe	-2
#define blend		-1
#define stand		 0
#define run			 1
#define walk		 2
#define jump		 3
#define fall		 4
#define attack_a	 5
#define attack_b	 6
#define attack_c	 7
#define attack_d	 8
#define attack_e	 9
#define attack_f	 10

#define move_x				skill22
#define move_y				skill23
#define move_z				skill24
#define force_x			skill25
#define force_y			skill26
#define force_z			skill27
#define velocity_x		skill28
#define velocity_y		skill29
#define velocity_z		skill30
#define animate			skill31
#define animate2			skill32
#define animblend			skill33
#define currentframe		skill34
#define blendframe		skill35
#define z_offset			skill50
#define jumping_mode		skill51
#define gravity			skill52
#define movement_mode	skill53
#define moving				skill54
#define hit_by_player	skill55
#define entity_type		skill56

ENTITY*	player_weapon;
ENTITY*	target_enemy;

var		temp;
VECTOR*	tempV = { x=0; 	y=0; 		z=0; 		}
VECTOR*	tempV2= { x=0; 	y=0; 		z=0; 		}
ANGLE*	tempA = { pan=0; 	tilt=0; 	roll=0;	}
ANGLE*	tempA2= { pan=0; 	tilt=0; 	roll=0;	}

VECTOR*	camera_move_to = { x=0;	y=0;	z=0;	}
var camera_distance = 200;
var camera_pan;
var camera_tilt;

var space_press = 0;
var mouse_left_press = 0;
var mouse_right_press = 0;
var combo_continue = 0;
var player_lock_on = 0;
var airborne_attack = 0;

action attach_weapon()
	player_weapon = my;
	proc_mode = PROC_LATE;
	while(you != NULL) 
		vec_for_vertex(tempV.x, you, 1175);			//hand palm base
		vec_for_vertex(tempV2.x, you, 1240);		//hand palm tip
		vec_set(my.x, tempV.x);
		vec_diff(tempV.x, tempV2.x, tempV.x);
		vec_to_angle(tempA.pan, tempV.x);
		vec_set(my.pan, tempA.pan);

action player_action() 
	player = my;
	my.gravity = 6;
	my.z_offset = 12;
	ent_create("sword.mdl", my.x, attach_weapon);
	{	//the main player loop

function handle_movement() 
	tempV.x = -1000;
	tempV.y = 0;
	my.moving = 0;
	if(key_w == 1 && key_s == 0 && key_a == 0 && key_d == 0)	tempV.x = camera.pan;
	if(key_s == 1 && key_w == 0 && key_a == 0 && key_d == 0)	tempV.x = camera.pan + 180;
	if(key_a == 1 && key_s == 0 && key_w == 0 && key_d == 0)	tempV.x = camera.pan + 90;
	if(key_d == 1 && key_s == 0 && key_a == 0 && key_w == 0)	tempV.x = camera.pan - 90;
	if(key_w == 1 && key_a == 1 && key_d == 0 && key_s == 0)	tempV.x = camera.pan + 45;
	if(key_w == 1 && key_d == 1 && key_a == 0 && key_s == 0)	tempV.x = camera.pan - 45;
	if(key_s == 1 && key_a == 1 && key_d == 0 && key_w == 0)	tempV.x = camera.pan + 135;
	if(key_s == 1 && key_d == 1 && key_a == 0 && key_w == 0)	tempV.x = camera.pan - 135;
	if(tempV.x != -1000) 
		my.moving = 1;
		if(key_shift == 1)	tempV.y = 10 * time_step;  
		else						tempV.y = 15 * time_step; 
		my.move_x = fcos(tempV.x, tempV.y);
		my.move_y = fsin(tempV.x, tempV.y);
	else if((my.movement_mode==1)||(my.movement_mode==2))
		tempV.y = fsin((my.animate * 1.2) + 45,15 * time_step);
		my.move_x = fcos(my.pan, tempV.y);
		my.move_y = fsin(my.pan, tempV.y);
		tempV.y = 0;
		//NextLine: if we need to rotate whilst attacking (the player is pressing keys to rotate)
		if(tempV.x != -1000) 	tempV.y = 1;
	c_move(my, nullvector, my.move_x, USE_BOX | IGNORE_PASSABLE | GLIDE);
	result = -my.z_offset + c_trace(vector(my.x,my.y,my.z - my.z_offset), vector(my.x,my.y,my.z - 4000), IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_PASSABLE | USE_BOX);
	result = clamp(result, -150, 150);
	if(result < 0) 	{	my.z -= result;	my.velocity_z = 0;	}
	if(target_enemy == NULL) 
	{	if(tempV.y > 0)	rotate_entity(tempV.x, 30); 	}
		vec_diff(tempV2.x, target_enemy.x, my.x);
		vec_to_angle(tempA2.pan, tempV2.x);
	if(my.movement_mode == 0) 
		my.gravity = 6;
		if(my.move_x != 0 || my.move_y != 0) 
		{	//ifwe are moving
			if(my.animblend == stand) 
			{	//ifour current animation is stand
				if(key_shift == 1)	my.blendframe = walk;
				else						my.blendframe = run;
			if(my.animblend == run && key_shift == 1)		my.blendframe = walk;
			if(my.animblend == walk && key_shift == 0)	my.blendframe = run;
			if(my.animblend > stand && my.animblend != jump && my.animblend != fall) 
			{	//if we arn't moving and our current animation is walk or run, blend and cycle the stand animation
				my.blendframe = stand;
		if(mouse_left == 0 && mouse_left_press == 1)		mouse_left_press = 0;
		if(mouse_left == 1 && mouse_left_press == 0 && my.animblend >= stand) 
			mouse_left_press = 1;
			my.blendframe = attack_a;
			if(my.jumping_mode == 1) 	airborne_attack = 1;
			else								airborne_attack = 0;
			my.movement_mode = 1;
			combo_continue = 0;
		if(mouse_right == 0 && mouse_right_press == 1)	mouse_right_press = 0;
		if(mouse_right == 1 && mouse_right_press == 0) 
			if(player_lock_on == 0) 
				c_scan(player.x, player.pan, vector(360,180,250), SCAN_ENTS | SCAN_LIMIT | IGNORE_ME);
				if(you != NULL) 
					if(you.entity_type == 2) 
					{	//make sure you've scanned an enemy
						player_lock_on = 1;
						target_enemy = you;
				player_lock_on = 0;
				target_enemy = NULL;
			mouse_right_press = 1;
	if(my.movement_mode == 1) 
		if(my.jumping_mode != 10)										my.jumping_mode = 0;
		else if(my.animate >= 60 && my.animblend >= stand)		my.jumping_mode = 0;
		if(mouse_left == 0 && mouse_left_press == 1)
			mouse_left_press = 0;
		if(mouse_left == 1 && mouse_left_press == 0 && my.animate >= 30 && combo_continue == 0) 
		{	mouse_left_press = 1; combo_continue = 1; }
	if(my.movement_mode == 2) 
		my.jumping_mode = 0;
		if(mouse_left == 0 && mouse_left_press == 1)
			mouse_left_press = 0; 
		if(mouse_left == 1 && mouse_left_press == 0 && my.animate >= 30 && combo_continue == 0) 
		{	mouse_left_press = 1; combo_continue = 1; }

function handle_gravity() 
	result = -my.z_offset + c_trace(vector(my.x,my.y,my.z - my.z_offset), vector(my.x,my.y,my.z - 4000), IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_PASSABLE | USE_BOX );
	result = clamp(result, -150, 150);
	if(result < 3) 
		if(my.jumping_mode == 0) 
			my.force_z = -1 * result;
			if(key_space == 0 && space_press == 1) 			space_press = 0;
			if(key_space == 1 && space_press == 0 && my.movement_mode == 0 && my.animblend >= stand && my.animblend != jump && my.animblend != fall) 
				space_press = 1;
				my.jumping_mode = 1;
				my.force_z = 25;
				my.blendframe = jump;
				my.animate2 = 0;
				my.animblend = blend;
		if(my.jumping_mode == 2 || my.jumping_mode == 3)	my.jumping_mode = 0;
		if(my.jumping_mode == 2) 
			if(result > 120) 
				my.animate = 60;
				my.jumping_mode = 3;
				my.jumping_mode = 0;
		if(my.jumping_mode == 3 && result <= 120)		my.jumping_mode = 0;
		if(my.jumping_mode == 0 && my.movement_mode == 0) 
			if(result > 120 && my.animblend >= stand && my.animblend != jump && my.animblend != fall) 
				my.jumping_mode = 3;
				my.blendframe = fall;
				my.animate2 = 0;
				my.animblend = blend;
		my.force_z -= my.gravity * time_step;
		my.force_z =  maxv(-30, my.force_z);
		if(my.movement_mode == 2)		my.force_z = 0;
 	my.velocity_z += (time_step * my.force_z) - (minv(time_step*0.7, 1) * my.velocity_z);
	my.move_z = my.velocity_z * time_step;

//Stable/rigid camera collision
function handle_camera() 
	camera.pan -=  mouse_force.x * 12 * time_step;
	camera.tilt += mouse_force.y * 8 * time_step;
	camera.tilt = clamp(camera.tilt, -30, 10);
	temp = fcos(camera.tilt, -camera_distance);
	vec_set(camera.x, vector(my.x + fcos(camera.pan, temp),my.y + fsin(camera.pan, temp),my.z + 20 + fsin(camera.tilt, -camera_distance)));

	vec_diff(tempV.x, camera.x, my.x); //find the vector from the player to the camera
	vec_normalize(tempV.x, 16); //get the magnitude of it's vector to 16 quants and store it in temp
	vec_add(tempV.x, camera.x); //add the vector (from player to camera) of a magnitude of 16 quants and add it to the camera's position.

	result = c_trace(my.x, tempV.x, IGNORE_ME|IGNORE_PASSABLE|IGNORE_MODELS); //trace from the player to 16 quants behind the camera.
	if(result > 0) 
		vec_diff(tempV.x, my.x, target.x); //find the vector from the point the trace hit to the player
		vec_normalize(tempV.x, 16); //get the magnitude of this vector to 16 quants and store in temp
		vec_set(camera.x, target.x); //place the camera at the trace hit point
		vec_add(camera.x, tempV.x); //move the camera away from the wall by the vector temp, 16 quants towards the player

//Smooth camera collision
/*function handle_camera() 
	camera_pan -= mouse_force.x * 12 * time_step;
	camera_tilt += mouse_force.y * 8 * time_step;
	camera_tilt = clamp(camera_tilt, -30, 10);

	camera.pan = camera_pan;
	temp = fcos(camera_tilt,-camera_distance);
	vec_set(camera_move_to.x, vector(my.x + fcos(camera.pan, temp), my.y + fsin(camera.pan, temp), my.z + 20 + fsin(camera_tilt, -camera_distance)));

	temp = minv(1,0.5 * time_step); //changing 0.5 will change how fast the camera moves, at 1 places us at target, this value is what allows the smooth movement
	camera.x += temp*(camera_move_to.x - camera.x);
	camera.y += temp*(camera_move_to.y - camera.y);
	camera.z += temp*(camera_move_to.z - camera.z);

	vec_diff(tempV.x, camera.x, my.x);
	vec_normalize(tempV.x, 16);
	vec_add(tempV.x, camera.x);

	if(c_trace(my.x, tempV.x, IGNORE_ME|IGNORE_PASSABLE|IGNORE_MODELS) > 0) 
		vec_diff(tempV.x, my.x, target.x);
		vec_normalize(tempV.x, 16);
		vec_set(camera.x, target.x);
		vec_add(camera.x, tempV.x);

	vec_diff(tempV.x, my.x, camera.x);
	vec_to_angle(camera.pan, tempV.x);

function rotate_entity(var rotate_angle, var rotate_speed) 
	if(my.pan == rotate_angle)		return;
	result = ang(rotate_angle - my.pan);
	if(result > 0)	my.pan += rotate_speed * time_step;
	if(result < 0)	my.pan -= rotate_speed * time_step; 
	if(ang(rotate_angle - my.pan) < 0 && result > 0)	my.pan = rotate_angle; 
	if(ang(rotate_angle - my.pan) > 0 && result < 0)	my.pan = rotate_angle; 

function handle_sword_collision()
	you = NULL;
	vec_for_vertex(tempV.x, player_weapon, 274); //sword base
	vec_for_vertex(tempV2.x, player_weapon, 54); //sword tip
	result = c_trace(tempV.x, tempV2.x, IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_PASSABLE | USE_BOX);
	if(you != NULL) 
		if(you.entity_type == 2 && you.hit_by_player == 0) 
			if(airborne_attack == 1 && my.animblend == attack_a)		my.movement_mode = 2;
			you.hit_by_player = 1;
			if(target_enemy == NULL)				{ target_enemy = you; player_lock_on = 1; }

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