Cool, thanks.

And to add the UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT functionality, go to the start of the handle_movement()
function in PLAYER.C and add the following just before or after the other big block of if's.
[you'll see where I mean, as long as its before the line "if(tempV.x != -1000)"]
	if(key_cuu == 1 && key_cud == 0 && key_cul == 0 && key_cur == 0)	tempV.x = camera.pan;
	if(key_cud == 1 && key_cuu == 0 && key_cul == 0 && key_cur == 0)	tempV.x = camera.pan + 180;
	if(key_cul == 1 && key_cud == 0 && key_cuu == 0 && key_cur == 0)	tempV.x = camera.pan + 90;
	if(key_cur == 1 && key_cud == 0 && key_cur == 0 && key_cuu == 0)	tempV.x = camera.pan - 90;
	if(key_cuu == 1 && key_cul == 1 && key_cud == 0 && key_cud == 0)	tempV.x = camera.pan + 45;
	if(key_cuu == 1 && key_cur == 1 && key_cul == 0 && key_cud == 0)	tempV.x = camera.pan - 45;
	if(key_cud == 1 && key_cul == 1 && key_cur == 0 && key_cuu == 0)	tempV.x = camera.pan + 135;
	if(key_cud == 1 && key_cur == 1 && key_cul == 0 && key_cuu == 0)	tempV.x = camera.pan - 135;

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