I have to disagree with everything OP said. But then again, I never enjoyed overhyped games like HL series (except Episodes 1 & 2 where they actually improved it) with lamest possible storyline and action so slow, you can probably run through the whole game if it didn't force you into one triggered fight into another (hell, you can see a trigger coming up the moment you enter the area).

For me, a game which tries to give too much freedom and no proper explanation of why you are there, who you are and why are you doing what you are about to do is just a headache.

I enjoyed Suffering: Ties that bind. It has a LOT of bugs (major bugs like sometimes, even getting stuck at the opening sequence due to clipping). But the dark twisted atmosphere/story/characters, excellent enemy design and just incredible amount of gore filled action which just feels natural to our hero (compared to other games) was just incredible experience.

I guess I just like games with levels and characters who feel realistic for the world we are living in (in-game that is). That's the reason why DeusEx (1) and Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, are still on top of my list with Gothic 3 sharing the third space with Stalker and Mass Effect.

As far as Unreal is concerned. I never finished that game. It was boring, pointless, but had pretty graphics with Skaarj that were indeed scary at that time. Unreal 2, I finished it. The level design in that game was really good. The actions scenes where you got to burn spiders and god knows what with your sexy flame thrower were really fun, but what about the story and gameplay overall? Felt like Unreal Tournament trying to have a story. Actually, if you have played Gears of War, you know Epic can't create a proper story and interesting characters if their life depended on it. It was all one triggered fight after another back then, still is. BTW, Unreal 2 wasn't developed by Epic (though I am pretty sure they were in on the whole universe/characters).

System Shock 2. Game got so-so rating when it was released. I played the demo and only remember getting chased by monkeys (?). I played the whole game years later after DeusEx. Yup, it sucked. But I was spoiled by DX, which did the whole upgrades/inventory bit way better in the end. I never finished SS2 in the end so I can't say anything about the story (which I found boring when the game started anyway).

HL2. What is worse than a game trying to give the player the illusion of freedom? A game which tries to give an illusion of some dark interesting storyline behind it. I never found that compelling story in HL, never found anything interesting in HL2 and Episodes. Is the compelling storyline in that briefcase that weirdo keeps carrying around? No? HOWEVER, since Episode-1, I have seen a good amount of upgrades in the gameplay and the engine itself (hell, Doom 3 was way better looking than Ep-1.. except for the character models and outdoor scenes). I really loved the use of colours in the outdoor levels of Episode-2 and the reason why I pretty much rate it the best HL game so far. It actually has suspense, still awfully obvious triggers, but the action usually seams realistic enough when triggered like (SPOILER) the part when you defend the Vortigaunts healing Alyx (though I still want to know where all enemies sleep when waiting for Freeman to do such things).

BioShock. I still have to complete it. I can't because I don't feel like completing it. The story just keeps getting ridiculous deeper I venture into the rapture. 90% of the game is same old enemies who can't see you crouching few feet in front of them. I know it's dark but jeez, I am crouching out in the open. The only interesting and cool creature so far is the BigDaddy, and I am freaking using him as an ally so that totally rocks. But damn, another game which is way too linear but tries not to. I really hate these games. They try to balance Choice-1/2 in same areas thinking that the player will actually replay just to see what happens with Choice 2 (I can just quickload to do that) only to discover that both choices most of the time lead to pretty useless and lame results with no satisfaction/rewards at the end. Again, DeusEx did it better, hell, even Bloodlines did it better.


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