Originally Posted By: Machinery_Frank
You hate games? Such strong feelings for master pieces of software engineering, story telling and artwork? Strange. Why do you buy them if you hate them? You even do not finish a lot of your games.
Watch a good movie instead! wink

If I spend money for a game then I have read an article about it, some reviews, watched a few movies or played a demo. If I dont like the demo (like the Crysis demo) then I just dont buy it. So there is no chance to not finish it.

While I prefer some games over some others I would not hate them except they crash, are full of bugs and the publisher will not give me my money back.

Hate them? I never said that or that I never finish them (though the last post probably sounds.. err.. read like that). It's master piece for you, it's not for me.

BTW, I have played all HL games except Opposing Force (I played Blue Shift though). I enjoy few fights here and there, when the game starts getting boring, I uninstall and come back later to continue that game in a week or months even. I am not insane enough to buy games and not play them.

Also, please explain how Half Life 2 story is compelling or 'master piece' in any possible way. I enjoyed Doom 3 more than sitting through that game and D3 didn't even have any interesting characters except for Betruger, the main boss which you only see for few seconds in opening, hear for the rest of the game and then see once more in the end. Now THAT game was fun. Had a proper theme and the universe was created realistic enough to be believable.

What made D3 exciting was putting together the story in D3, imagining yourself what probbaly happened just by reading PDA's, listening to voice recordings or watching UAC promo campaign videos. In HL2, all I did was run around a dead world with replica enemies and NPC's and teams.. I am sorry but I never took Gordon seriously since day-1. I wouldn't exactly start fighting next to a guy wearing an orange suit in the middle of a freakin warzone. Why don't they just give him a large "Shoot Here for max damage." sign pointing at his head.

The expansion for D3 only made it better with more action and kickass boss fights. Now lemme compare that to two 'episodes' out of which only the second one provided some good action triggers (cause every fight is just a trigger away in HL2, just terrible).

Lemme know when they release a demo for these games and where I can find a site which doesn't decide to give all overhyped games 9.9/10 even before they get the review copy so I can decide not to buy them.

These are just my views of course. I am sure the games I hate are groundbreaking, revolutionary, genre bending (words like that) etc.. for others. Great.

When I get bored of these games, I do watch entertaining movies as well. Infact, was watching Taken few hours ago (Neeson is almost the Bourne) after making my way through White Forest in Ep2. smile

Last edited by ortucis; 02/19/09 18:50.

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