
I'm using
NewtonMaterialSetCollisionCallback(nworld, G_Group1, G_Group2, NULL, contact, collision);
to make a callback when 2 objects collision.
Functions "contact" and "collison" are:
int contact(NewtonMaterial* Nmaterial, NewtonBody* body0, NewtonBody* body1, int threadIndex)
return 1;

function collision(NewtonMaterial* Nmaterial, NewtonContact* contact)
return 1;

When an object from G_Group1 collision with other from G_Group2, I obtain the error E1513-> Crash in vectorf.

I need to know which objects collision to remove them. Am I using right this function?

The problem is in NewtonOnAABBOverlap, because if I use

NewtonMaterialSetCollisionCallback(nworld, G_Group1, G_Group2, NULL, NULL, collision);
that error doesn't show. But I need to know which objects have collisioned, thats why I need to use the NewtonOnAABBOverlap callback.

Thanks for LiteC+Newton2

Sorry for my English wink

Last edited by Vulder; 02/24/09 14:39.