But things start to change significantly for me with some of these newer games. I had never played Quake 4. Somehow I missed that one. I started to play it a few days ago and I certainly liked the details surroundings and the nicely detailed models. But I frankly became bored with the game. Why? The reason, for me, is that the story took a higher role than the idea of simply[/quote]

I have to agree the newer games look way better but they took the fun out of them trying to add too much the story and the controls a game comes with a manual that takes a week to learn the kiss thory is right for games up down right left shoot maybe not that simple
but they are getting out of hand and I have played a few of the new ones and some are like watching a movie that you are just sort of around to run the controls
Sarge's heros was a fun game that let you run with it in the training I wanted to see what the flame thrower do with trees and it really did burn them and it did have a story to it and each level had an avi each level with the mission but that was the story it it was SIMPLE.