Right, I don't even have a GameStudio license. As a gamer I have seen 3dgs games (you aren't a gamer, I can tell, you are just hurt that I said Unity games are in the unknown realm) out there, in Indie sites to sites which carry AAA content mostly.

Safari comment was how Mac > PC port isn't an easy job. Somehow I doubt it that Unity will make a flawless jump when even developers like Autodesk face countless issues with Windows only apps.

So don't get too emotional, I don't care about fanboyism to be one myself.

EDIT: Btw, what exactly has a tech demo got to do with 3dgs having more and better games out there? I am still evaluating 3dgs and waiting for Unity trial as well. I came to 3dgs without viewing overhyped marketing talk/fanboyism and didn't even run a tech demo. I started using the tool since I was already familiar with editors for Quake 3 games (while learning Lite-C of course).

In the end I found this engine not because of fanboy talk in forums (like Unity has here, there is no one recommending 3dgs in countless forums) but after playing games created on it. So I couldn't care less if Unity has a editor that makes games and washes dishes for you. In the end I am just evaluating like a new user. I will look at pros and cons and what has been produced (you can choose to ignore that if you want).

Last edited by ortucis; 03/10/09 09:46.

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