Originally Posted By: VPrime
The tech demo comment was more about how you should not judge the tool set only by other peoples creations.. You know the old expression "don't judge a book by its cover" ?

So, what you are saying is that I should not judge a game engine by the games that have been created using it?

So far I have played a SHMUP, a survival-horror shooter and even a isometric rpg title among others (there are lot more genres produced, mentioning few). All of them worked fine, not a single crash or slowdown, smooth gameplay (obviously the developers did a good job with tweaking that) and helped me see how A6 (they were created with A6) could be used in a range of genres and how it functions on my slow gaming PC's at work and at home.

Playing the content created by not only me but a lot more people than a small community helped me learn more about this engine. Helps you evalutate by showing off features? (ok, not all but according to the genres) I tried the engine after these games, I read the developer comments on forums on how most of them were created by people with almost no advanced programming language.

So after all that, excuse me for sounding like A6 (not 7) is the better engine, even though you are just assuming that I have decided that Unity sucks and is out of the competition.

If you want to learn more about the actual definition of fanboys, look for GarageGames on the net. You can learn a lot from what the 'users' of the tools post all over the net and the end result of the tools over the years.

Also, like I said, Unity was Mac only, and PC users don't suddenly decide to a buy an expensive machine just for a engine (worse if you are a team) especiall if they are Indie. That could explain why it doesn't have any recognizable games on the list (except for Fusion.. and I think Conan). It SEEMS that the Unity definitely has an edge with cross platform compatibility and better editors (esp. terrain). So yeah, I will wait for the trial in the end as well. I only was commenting on the games in the beginning, until you took offense to me.. commenting on games created with a game engine..?

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