
Thanks for your insightful comments. Some of my misunderstandings were to do with a very old version of TrueSpace that I have.

I have purchased Ultimate Unwrap and installed the freeware version of TrueSpace 7.6 as suggested. I still have some difficulties...

I am able to save a scene as a Collada dae file from TrueSpace.

When I open the Collada dae file in Ultimate Unwrap and play the animation, each of the 30 frames that appear are exactly the same as the first frame so the animation sequence is a series of the same frame. Perhaps I am not saving the Collada file correctly to have ‘30' different frames from the TrueSpace scene or perhaps Ultimate Unwrap does not work in the way I expected it I to?

It doesn’t matter how large the dae file is, when I import it into Ultimate Unwrap I end up with the problem of having only 30 frames each time. Each RsScn from TrueSpace 76 varies in length and has different numbers of frames so this is a puzzle.

When I save the Collada dae file from Ultimate Unwrap to an .fbx file and then open the frames in the MED, not surprisingly – given my earlier problems, each of the frames is exactly the same.

My questions are:

1)Are their any special boxes one should tick when saving a file from TrueSpace to a Collada dae file that I am perhaps overlooking and which is causing my problem?
2)Does Ultimate Unwrap allow one to import more than 30 frames at a time?
3)Does Ultimate Unwrap import different frames e.g. ‘walking’, ‘running’ etc so that an animation sequence can be created or does it only accept the first frame one imports e.g. ‘walking’ and then make 30 copies of this frame?