that's not fully true. to a certain degree you can already do toolbars, custom hotkeys and your own menus with python,... and if you know c you can customize everything anyway since blender is open source. smile

Very small degree unfortunately. But yes, you are right. I tend to generalize sometimes wink

Python? C? *Gigglemode on* Ah i see. And with C++ you can even build your own rendersoftware ... *Gigglemode off*

For me not really a valid argument, sorry. I want to use a software, not develop it smile


huh? look at modo or recent versions of adobe software and so on. they more and more use the non-overlapping split screen approach blender uses since over 10 years because it has proven to be much more user friendly than having to juggle floating windows around all the time.

Hmm. I can choose to have a splitscreen layout when i want to. And have quickly discarded that layout. I was at pulling all the time to make the current needed view big enough to see what i want to see.

You can by the way with floating windows also build a splitscreen layout. That's the point. Other software is highly customizable. You can choose which way you want to work smile

they didn't do that because they were stupid or lazy but because they had to build a big enough developer community before the 2.5 project became feasible.

Hmm, with an a bit more userfriendly UI they may have reached that point a bit earlier. I know lots of people that tried Blender without success and have left it very quick then wink

It brings simply more fame to implement a video studio or a fluid sim or a game engine instead changing an UI where the current users are happpy with because all the people who are not happy with the UI have long left Blender. Which means they waited as long as possible to do this unpopular step. Up to the point where there was no other choice. Years.

I don't say that Blender Devs are stupid or lazy by the way. They have my highest respect. I just wish i could reach all the stuff they have implemented without the need to have a this massive battle with the UI for even the most basic things as it is now. I personally cannot work with Blender. The UI is killing me.

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