First off I guess the whole problem in this thread is not where Blender's limits and possibilities are but the way people choose their words.

Originally Posted By: Tiles
Hotkeys are totally cluttered and fixed

Alright! They are indeed fixed. And that you don't like the layout of the hotkeys is completely ok to me. Though I don't know why you fall back to hotkeys. I was talking of the graphical user interface. wink

Originally Posted By: Tiles
Menus are totally cluttered and fixed

I think here is the place where the confusion comes in. In my point of view menus are not fixed. As you can see I am able to put the menus everywhere I want them.
Most probably you are actually talking of the small movable registers in themselfs. Within these boxes the gui is indeed not customizable anymore.
But I would like to ask you to be more precise in your statement then.
Otherwise it will lead to confusion and mutual statements which are too inaccurate to be able to meet at a point where everyone is satisfied (even when not thinking the same way, except for fanboys) with the others statements.

Originally Posted By: Tiles
Splitscreen? That's 19th century

I want to express here again to be cautious with the words chosen.
This statement is inappropriate as this has nothing to do with modern or old.
It is a way to design a UI.

Maybe you might say something more like "Splitscreen? I prefer windows as they are movable more freely"

And to be on the safe side here. I didn't take your statements because I think you're unable to communicate correctly.
It's more because I have been too lazy to browse back in this thread's pages.
So please don't take this personally ok? wink

Others did make those mistakes as well, including me as I just noticed, reading my own post blush

To sum this whole shit I wrote up:
Everybody please reread your own post before posting it if it might be understood in a completely other way you have intended.


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