blender gets downloaded several million times a year

It was for a long time the only free 3D alternative. Sure it gets downloaded a lot. And how much stays and works with it then? And how much erases the file quickly ?

Hmm, i use Blender as a converter for some special needs. But i am no Blender "User" ...

of course many people will give up quickly and complain about it loudly.

I tried again and again since several years. I have wasted weeks and months to battle with the UI. Is that quickly? smile

i can't imagine that you will like blender 2.5. smile you have totally different idea about what a gui should be like. maybe because you are spoilt by truespace. smile

Maybe you will be surprised wink

Well, unbelievable but true, i use more software than trueSpace. I use in fact lots of software. Everybody who makes games does. I am spoiled by the software that does the job. And i am more or less comfortable with them all. Except one. Current Blender UI is the only UI that i really heavily dislike smile

trueSpace 7.6, A7 commercial
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