Originally Posted By: EvilSOB
Add this line before the wait and see if it helps.
walk_percentage = cycle(walk_percentage, 0, 100);

The walk_percentage (animation_percentage) value was something I also considered. When I watched that it would continually climb well past 100 but the animation still cycled through normally for the first 45 seconds normally. I think I could achieve the same thing by using:

walk_percentage %= 100;

I did try it though and same result. Although the percentage working normally with a higher value is explained by George Pirvu in his workshop:

"animation_mode" tells the engine to play the animation in a cyclic loop (animation_mode == ANM_CYCLE) or to play a one-shot animation (animation_mode = 0). If the animation_percentage value grows over 100 in a cyclic animation, it will just continue with the first frame again; on the other hand, a one-shot animation will stop at the last frame.

Thus it is problematic, because I am not sure what is causing the problem. Is it safe to assume other people have no problem running one continuous animation for long periods of time? So I continued on with my project and added the walk animation. Got that working good using Basic Player Movement script from the wiki. When I stand, the 'stand' animation cycles and when I move, the 'walk' animation cycles, so glad to have that working. Regardless though with the current script no matter what state I am in at 45 seconds the animation runs wild still. Hmm.

Originally Posted By: EvilSOB
PS: Welcome aboard.

Thanks grin I remember a time when I used to stay up all night trying to figure out code. Lately I've been staying up all night playing games, so pretty thrilled I am rekindling my passion for coding again.