I often read stories about users in the Lightwave and Modo forums using Blender as an additional tool in their pipeline e.g. for animating dynamics, water or even characters. Then they save it as point oven and render in Lightwave or Modo.

They do what artists just do: using the tools to create art.

Many users dislike the UI of ZBrush and I understand them. ZBrush is different. But did you realize the word "different"? This is all. This describes it perfect. Just like ZBrush, Blender is well structured, logic but different. And a new user has to learn it. If he/she is not willing to learn it, then it is a loss, a tool less, less possibilities, but no reason to bring up so much affection against a software. It is not a failure of this software, the user fails here.

Models, Textures and Games from Dexsoft