Instead, of arguing again and again without much change of the arguments, let's start a thread where blender users help blender users.
Let's collect hints and tricks and simple short cuts which one or another could have missed.

ventilator advertised blender on this forum for a long long time.
And, he offered magnificent tools that helped using blender for 3DGS. I can't praise this too much!

Me, myself, I struggled with blender years ago - and skipped it, because I didn't get a grip, despite the nice tutorial of ventilator (BTW, some links are broken to the tutorial! wink )!

Years later, I restarted learning blender, and I had successes, small ones, step by step, because there were weird behaviours as well, but they are solvable.

I'm still using blender only for some modeling - I'm still faster with MED in certain cases - and I use it for skin layout, and painting on model or texture and for ambient occlusion mapping.

I still don't got the hang of weight painting (just a start) and animating, and exporting an animated model, applying a second skin, building and exporting a whole level, although I badly want to!

Wanna start an own thread just for blender users for 3DGS?

And, who should start that thread other than ventilator!

Or, is there already such a central point of blender and blender23DGs wisdom?