THanks for the info. The editor indeed sounds like a dream come true.

Just a small request, can you please try out the water and post some screenies or info on what it can do? It looks like a water at least.. right? (just worried cause my current project has a lot of areas with water already in place)

PS: I am worried about how good the integration with Max is in the end. I know it dynamically updates the content, but aren't there any stability issues esp. when working with large scenes?

I was exporting a huge level using FBX into 3dgs. It's a slow process, but in the end everything came in as expecting. It's still a pain if you intend to update something, so I guess here Unity wins bonus points. You keep saving/updating in max while it updates inside Unity at the same time. No need to import huge files over and over and worry about placement in the world.

Click to reveal.. (warning)