Have to answer, sorry wink


You must have awkward fingers wink

All fine with my fingers, thanks.

The problem is just in your mind.

The problem is in your mind. You are not willing to accept that somebody has another experiences and opinions. You ignore all arguments, since pages. Means you are not really able to lead a discussion.

Where you definitely have problems to understand is that efficiency is not everything. I'm a hobbyist. I am not under the pressure to work as fast as possible. I can handle my software onehanded when i want to, just with mouse. I can my software also just use with hotkeys when i want to ...

If you you stop lerning because of negative energy then it is very sad.

And again you ignore all arguments and twist words. I stopped learning because the Blender UI was in the way. It is for me unhandleable. Nothing else.

Negative energy arrives when i tell about my experience then. Like in your answer here. Again i get told that i have problems with my mind, have arkward fingers. Next you will again tell me that i am too dumb for 3d and software in general, that i have no clue in general ...

Nothing else than insults, since pages. And arguments gets again totally ignored. Holy Blender grail is under attack. And you will not rest until you had the last word and the attacker vanishes.

Negative energy, my friend, comes from you. This is classic fanboy behaviour.

An electrical screw driver is different too and it also needs both hands to handle it efficiently though you might use the smaller ones with one hand only.

Well, when Blender would be a screw driver, then i could follow this weird argument. On the other hand, Blender is for my 3D art pipeline equal useful than a screw driver ...

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