^ Installing OSX on normal PC (Windows, right?)... is that even legal? Still, it's not the same hardware and not being a cheapskate (you wouldn't be purchasing "Indie" if you could afford everything out there anyway).

Actually, buying 20 different Windows PC's is cheaper than 5 Mac's. laugh

You are forgetting that I can just replace my display card with other to test my game on different configuration (just like every other part)..

Seriously though, I know that making for Mac is a plus overall and most developers can find a way to test their games on a Mac (like publishers/portals, they can test it for you) eventually.

Still, they should add proper shadow support in Indie. I can see upgrading for stuff like motion blur but basic 3D feature, dynamic shadows, that's just wrong on so many levels. Removing such features would've worked on Mac but on PC you will be competing with a lot of 3D games with different engines, all with proper shadows..

Click to reveal.. (warning)