BTW, the editor crashes a lot, esp. when working with high res textures on-screen (probably memory issues but this happened when saving/importing/updating as well).

Also a really annoying problem is how the FPS controls just stop working when you try to play the level. I had to exit the program and restart it just to get the FPS controls working.

Same goes for camera. Sometime it would get stuck in specific position whenever I tried to play the level. I had to open and close the program over and over to make it work. In the end I just said "fuck it" and made a build for the game. When I built it, the lighting changed back to default compared to what I had setup in the editor itself, no idea why (maybe a script is doing this? but I didn't find any that controls the daylight)

So yeah, a lot of issues with stability and functioning. I also don't like how there is so much empty space wasted without adding a small shortcut button to hide different panels instantly (without using keyboard shortcuts or menu).

Click to reveal.. (warning)