Alright, back from vacation...which also means back to work laugh

Thanks for all the feedback! Should help me to improve the whole thing smile

In that case I would advice you to write a fallback shader or a possibility to trap this case and to disable the use of DS. If you integrate this into your next Shade-C release, no one on the world should be alienated just because one single feature can't be used.

Of course. You will be able to enable/disable deferred shading. Making shade-c deferred shading only would be nuts smile

I do have one question tho... why are they lined up like they are trying to sniff eachothers ass's?

Lol, that wasn't on purpose, but now you mention it... laugh

Just an idea: Those Volumetric clouds, in the first demo in this thread... could they be used to simulate a nebula in space that you can fly through?
(boh_havoc, you know what kind of nebula I'm talking about... it would replace the sprites in the playground level of CSIS?)

Check your PMs

Don't call addBlurToView(); every frame. Call it once when you need it, then adjust
every frame to your needs.
Once you don't need the radial blur effect anymore, call removeBlurFromView(); once(!) That should do it smile

Shade-C EVO Lite-C Shader Framework