As far as I know, NOT if you get this info by using the VEC_DIFF function.
By my understanding it effectivly "ignores" the odd switching between +180 and -180,
because both the vectors get treated the same way.

IF I am wrong, use this formula to get the vec_diff instead.
It will remove the problem of the source angles going negative, but it wont
interfere in the difference between them.
VECTOR Old_Rot, Now_Rot, Rot_Speed;
vec_set(Old_Rot, my.pan);
vec_add(Old_Rot, vector(360,360,360));  //eliminate negative angles
vec_set(Now_Rot, my.pan);
vec_add(Now_Rot, vector(360,360,360));    //eliminate negative angles
vec_diff(Rot_Speed, Old_Rot, Now_Rot);
Can you see what I mean?
Remember that while these values are being stored in a manually created VECTOR,
they wont be treated as angles, and therefore wont suffer the +180, -180 clipping.

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