again, my bad.
I missed this:
"ATTENTION: The client gets its clientid after the connection with the server is established. => the clientid is NOT immediately available after initializing the client! "
(how could I miss it? the ATTENTION is bold AND in capitals...)
Now the clientId is correct.

but the program still doesn't work.

void startupHost()
	var initResult=0;var initResult2=0;
	initResult = enet_init_server(port,maxPlayers,_str(""));
	initResult2 = enet_init_client((userData.pstring)[2],port,_str(""));
	if(initResult == 1 && initResult2 == 1)
		logNewMessage("--Server started. Connected as Client.");
		wait(15);		//wait for clientid to be set
		my_temp[1] = enet_get_clientid();
		STRING* playername = str_create("testname");
		logNewMessage("--Could not connect. Exiting.");

in main:
		STRING* tmpPlayerNameStr = str_create("");
		var result1;
	result1 = enet_get_playername(enet_get_clientid(),tmpPlayerNameStr);
	if(result1 == -1)beep();

It beepes (or beep();es). I tried, as you can see, various waiting times..
it seems to give back an empty string or something in enet_get_playername, because if I copy it into the userData text, the string in the userData text seems to be deleted, resulting in the strings [1], [2] and so on to be moved upwards.

Is there any way to say how long exactly I have to wait untill the clientId is set? I do get the error message "no clientId" if I don't wait 5 frames after the client initialization. just like the manual states. but how long do I have to wait? does it depend on the connection?

What makes it even more confusing is that this:
	STRING* tmpPlayerNameStr = str_create("testname");
	str_cpy(tmpPlayerNameStr,"            ");
	var result1;
	result1 = enet_get_playername(enet_get_clientid(),tmpPlayerNameStr);
	if(result1 == -1)beep();

makes it work (all called in one go, inside main, so enet_set_playername is not in the same function as enet_init_client), but when I pass an empty string (str_cpy(tmpPlayerNameStr," "); replaced by str_cpy(tmpPlayerNameStr,"");) it crashes the program.

sorry, I'm confused...O.o

another update: In the chat-demo-tutorial I found that calling wait(4); between initializing a server and a client (on the same machine) is a good thing. I didn't yet because in the manual I found this:

void start_clientserver() 
//Client-Server Modus: 
enet_init_server(2300,4,_str("")); //Initializes the server 
enet_init_client(_str(""),2300,_str("")); //Initializes a client 
//which connects over the localhost with the server 

without wait(4). If I DO wait(4);, then I got a "bad client id in enet_get_playername". Of course, now that I'm typing this I can't recreate that error message, it's back to as it was before: string gets deleted from the text...

Last edited by Germanunkol; 03/26/09 14:40.

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-Mark Twain