-server latency time (click-send-receive-manag-render-manage-compress-send-receive) ever wondered why website dont pop up in realtime

-massive additional hardware needed to render the game (100+ realtime calculation on one machine are more power consuming then 100+ individual machines at home)

-data management neccessery, remote and in realtime for millions of users

-physical limitations of broadband internet connections (cables. nodes and and and)

-massive compression on one side requires massive realtime decompression on the other one.... ever tried to compress a 800/600 video in realtime...good luck!

-pricing, to be able to run the latest games on the rendercluster it needs to be updated frequently....somebody has to pay it wink

-privacy, monopolizm, data security, data management (what happens with my data), downtimes,......

chess, poker, scrabble, yes
more wont work....but i am happy if they can prove me wrong


Models, Textures and Levels at: