I see the potential of the engine already convinced all of you serious about game development smile

one tipp from my side, I switched 12 month ago from A7/C-Script, I am mainly lead developer/programmer:

DO NOT EVEN bother programming with UnityScript (which is a JavaScript derivate; same syntax, etc.), instead use C# and Visual Studio C# (get the free express edition), you can easily add the DLLs that make up the unity framework (tutorial on the unity wiki) to a Visual Studio project and simply access the managed functions and classes. c# is nice and easy and using Visual Studio brings you all the very nice features of this IDE: auto completion, intelliSense, debugging, etc.

Docking Visual Studio to Unity is one of the most powerful combinations you can get. You will never regret switching from A7 - I promise you.

Oh - by the way - I might have mentioned this already - you can access the whole .Net Framework from any Unity-C#-Project.. this brings you all features of the .Net Library: SErialization, XML files, IO functions, encryption and everything else.

@ AlbertoT:
basically you can do anything you want with the engine. You are not restricted to some lame ass C-Script-style thingy anymore, using c# you can code anything you like. Our lead programmer currently is working on Pathfinding and Object Management for an RTS-style game and is making great progress...
a "component" is just a class attached to a game object acting as a property for the object:
e.g. you have a character that should act as your player... this character is an imported fbx model: you add a renderer, a texture, a basic collider, a physics component, and then you add a class controlling all that, moving the player by input keys...etc.. its really easy.

Last edited by maybenew; 04/04/09 01:21.