The reason why the speed is increasing all the time is that the +z increase (could be in your function or action) is called again and again, making your speed increase ^2 all the time.

personally I'd try change the code to:
if(key_w == 1 && height <= 1531.00){

function up() {
	while(height <= 1531) { 
			height += 0.002;

and move that my.z out of the while loop, because it does put my to 256 on each loop cycle.

Hopefully this helps smile

EDIT: Replacing a code, sorry. Just realized you wanted the enitity to move contantly (learn to read <-) which mine did not. with this however it should work, just move the height out from the loop in the action and it should do the trick

Last edited by Walori; 04/05/09 08:22.