I don't know why people are actually defending Unity Indie as a complete engine for 3D games. It isn't. The toolset is great and the Mac compatibility is great and all (I won't deny that). But the fact:

1) If using Indie, you will have to work around the lack of even basic features like dynamic shadows by having some cartoony (or radical cell shaded.. something like that) look for the game to avoid complaints (which people who play 3D CAN make even for AAA games) about shadows and all (ever heard of Resident Evil 4 port to Windows?).

2) Every "hit" game being linked to for Unity is created by the Pro version. Every tutorial and blog mentioning Unity is by devs using the Pro version. Indie version, simply put, is useless for a "proper" (not cartoony) 3D game (hell, even TGE 1.5 had shadows).

3) When you do 3D, audience expect the visuals to be of high quality or at least come with basic features like dynamic shadows, which games from 6 years ago had. I would like to see Fusion Fall use Indie version. Even NOW lot's of devs have complained about average visuals in the game (and it has nothing to do with art style).

It seems like the Indie version is just a learning version in the end. Good luck creating games like this without the usual features (unless you like placing "cookies" everywhere). Personally, I will invest in Unity only after a proper game has been released using A7 when I can at least afford a Pro version.

BTW, biggest plus A7 has (as far as I am concerned), free Lite-C version to learn. While people trying to learn Unity without UnityScript seem to be struggling thanks to all tutorials written in UnityScript (and few C# compatible), according to the forum goers there (not making this up, just read around).

Last edited by ortucis; 04/06/09 13:31.

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