If you base an engine's capability on what a demo you downloaded could do why did you ever start with A6 / A7? I also don't get what should be shown by that Kabus example just as for the visual boost when using A7 (A6 and A7 currently are quite comparable raw feature wise)...

I really don't know why this tends to turn into a bashing thread. Sure - I also think that the lack of shadows of the Indie version is a rather harsh feature to cut out. At the same with a pricing between A7 Extra and Com the feature set is quite fair and also includes a working multiplayer part which you won't find in A7 except for the Pro version. While I'd like to trade multiplayer for shadows - meh that's a decision the devs made plus as I think Machinery Frank said: Right now the Indie version is a great start for pretty much any game to start with and when things turn out great you upgrade to Pro for the final eyecandy features...

In the end Unity is the much more mature engine in my opinion - most certainly because of the manpower behind it (look at the big dev crew it has). At the same time it probably isn't a good solution for lone wolves or beginners in general because of the scripting language(s). I had no in-depth-look but I didn't really hear much about an "easy accesibility" for bloody newbies via Unity...

Having Unity for Windows still is an insane thing though as especially for teams with some experience it's a fantastic engine to work with. I don't see it as real "danger" towards 3DGS although it might take a nap from its pool of really experienced devs who are / have experienced programmers which will love the much deeper access they have to the engine while artists also will have their fun and don't have to deal with the scripting side...

Enjoy your meal