Originally Posted By: ortucis
No offense to those who are defending Unity or whatever, but the posts so far have been just comical.

While I agree that not looking at the video and then arguing about it is a bit strange the video still does not show anything spectacular. The shadow mapping can be handled way better in Unity than with 3DGS built-in lightmapper as you can use stuff like Gile[s] or even Lightwave or whatever rendering suite you have giving you superb results...

The only thing not ready out of the package would be the dynamic character shadows and that's probably also how that "the shadows cannot be that good" statement is meant towards: The shadows either are stencil shadows or just ye good ol' Z-Buffer shadows (I can't really tell although they don't seem to bend over the stairs in one scene so they might very well be just Z-Buffer ones) and no fancy pants shader based soft shadows. The question now is how far Unity's Indie versions capabilities go in sort of including a feature similar to that (dunno if that's the case - what I read was always about fancy shader stuff & that kind) / how fakable this is with Unity's feature set...

Originally Posted By: ortucis
Upgrading to A7 Pro brings sensible updates, like removal of logo and better MP.

You shouldn't forget about all the other features which often imo are more important than things like multiplayer like e.g. a serious bone animation system you can use in a way your animations won't look silly with today's polycount (-> weighted, esp. for organic stuff) or having some kind of LOD systems or even having a filepacker...

The Indie version of Unity really "just" lacks shadows & the render-to-texture feature (which tend to go hand in hand nowadays anyway).

Originally Posted By: ortucis
BTW, Unity Indie = 11,000 bucks here, not cheap at all for an "INDIE". So telling someone to "oh just buy the pro if you need shadows" is just.. well..

As I said - with 150 € for me it cost me less than an A7 Com Edition and places itself right between A7 Extra and Com. When looking at the features you can't really complain for that price. Still shadows would be more viable to me than e.g. multiplayer...

Originally Posted By: ortucis
Please do make it, using Indie and release it for review. It'll be really entertaining, the response your game will get.

So you say if a game has no fancy dark areas below a character it immediately truns into trash? Are you really that addicted to eyecandy? Don't want to sound rude but even if we'd have a game with just blob shadows below the characters - people might see this as "They really should have come up with something better here!" but in the end it's no game decider or anything even close to that...

Originally Posted By: ortucis
Good luck with your games people (I will obviously keep an eye out on the type of commercial games produced with Unity Indie.. so far, none, but maybe in the future).

The reason probably is that if you have done a commercial quality game you should have the 1000 bucks left for your project and the others to come or let the distributor pay that costs. If not - well ... without any profits you won't make it through the months of creating your next project and you thus have failed...

But to get OT again:
When using OpenGL does your app run under Linux?

Enjoy your meal