Tiles, Hi.
As I have already stated, I have read a few of those that you mentioned in full and I HAVE found them to be incredily consistent. I have also compared key teachings with many others (without reading the whole thing) and they too are consistent in the texts compared. So it is not essential at all.
Have you read any of them yourself? or are you merely repeating what you have heard?. wink
If you have read some and found them to be inconsistent, then, of which inconsistencies are you speaking of?

One of the reasons that there are so many translations (versions is probably not a good word here) is because language is constantly evolving, therefore the bible must be regularly re-translated into the common language of the day in order for it to be easily read by anyone who has the desire to read it. And thank God for that, I personally find "ye olde english" very difficult to read.

However, if you must have one named, then I name the King James Version but only becase there are some who insist that it is the only one.
I do not agree with that idea at all.