Originally Posted By: Machinery_Frank
If you have a job then Unity Indie is cheap as well. But then you probably have no time to make a high end graphic game in your spare time any way. Smaller and casual games are still the better bet then.

And if you did not understand the reason I mentioned in terms of development times, project size and technology, then I feel sorry for you. I tried to help but I cannot help everybody. I dont defend Unity. I mentioned a lot of other tools as well because every tool has its place.

It is up to you. Have fun or finish a game!

I am sorry, did you just assume that I was loaded with cash just cause I have a job and get to "play around" with expensive softwares? Just like your sane advice on switching to even more complicated engine for an Indie who wants to use something like A7 or Unity in the first place just so he can get extra shaders.. which are ALREADY present in A7 basic? Your posts don't make sense, at all.

No offense but I have read a lot of posts from you needlessly defending and commenting different engines and softwares (how do you afford to know so much about all these softwares anyway?) on a million threads. I have yet to find a post that made sense and was on-topic to the discussion or contributed more than a load of crap.

But then again, I wasn't taking you seriously because just like other times, you have barely even tried Unity in the first place (which you already mentioned few posts back, unlike you, I pay attention). Considering I am only "guessing" on if some games can be done convincingly on Indie version, your posts come out more as "yes, Indie can do everything as long as you are awesome and cool like me".

Also, where exactly in my posts did you read how I wanted to create a next-gen MMO? So according to you, adding basic features like dynamic shadows in your project is like making a big leap into the realm of AAA games? Oh jeez, I wonder if adding a motion blur means I have to upgrade to idTech 5 going by your genius suggestions. Is it way too advanced for a fraking Indie? Oh god no, not the motion blur.. shocked

Thanks for the game development lessons Mr.Machinery_Frank.

PS: Do you think I should license Doom 3 engine because I want some shadows in the game? Thanks for the advice. Don't worry about the price, I have a "JOB" (secret code word for the money tree in my backyard).

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