@ dark samurai: did you update to the latest directX version? you should also update your gpu driver. Do you have the latest a7 version? can you give me more details about your system, maybe we can fix the problem.

@ gri, at the moment you can only cast shaodws of objects that have no animation, I want to implement this too!
In the beta:
if you activate the Render_navi() function and use the translation tool you can update the matrix of an object. But I will include a function, that can update the matrix of a single entity or all entities (for the shadows).
Particles are not supported yet, but it is possible, I will try that soon.

DOF and other stuff: you don't need to include the Render_navi() function ! you can also scroll down(in the shadowdemo.c file) and edit this function:

function set_shadow_options()
	var options[20];
	//Main Setting:
	options[0]=0; //Render Method: 0 = Multi, 1 = DX-level
	options[1]=1024; //Texture Size (256-4096)
	options[2]=3; //Splits (1-9)
	options[3]=1; //Scene Focus
	options[4]=0; //Visible Test: 0=High, 1=Low, 2=OFF
	//Sun Setting:
	options[5]=3; //Filter Types: 3="irregular PCSS";2="PCSS(Blurring)";1="5x5 EdgeBlur";0="simple PCF";
	options[6]=2.0; //Smoothing
	options[7]=0.03; //Blurring
	options[8]=0; //Projection: 0="Orthographic";1="Perspective";
	options[9]=0.001; //ShadowBias * 0.1
	options[10]=0.75; //SplitsWeight
	//Depth Setting:
	options[11]=0; //Active
	options[12]=0; //ShowDepth
	options[13]=50; //Range
	options[14]=40; //Focus
	options[15]=0.02; //Soft * 0.1

my next plan is a lod system, this should as well give performance.

Last edited by Chris3D; 04/08/09 13:24.

website coming soon!