Hi Hitsch, yeah the palmleaves, I hate them... wink I still have a problem with alpha textures. When I gave them a groundshading they almost get black, because they are single sided. Therefore, I disabled the groundshading of the entity. you can change that when you delete this:

in the shadowdemo.c file.
Or you gave all entity NO groundshading:

ENTITY * any_ent = ent_next(NULL);
any_ent = ent_next(any_ent);

But than you should write your own groundshading in the effect file of your entity or you get ugly artefacts(try to hide them with the shadbias value).
You could use this function in your shaders e.g.:
float3 GroundShading(float3 vNormal)
  return fAmbient * saturate(dot(-vecSunDir, normalize(mul(vNormal, (float3x3)matWorld))));

^^output this as a COLOR of your vertex shader and use it in the pixelshader.

about the framecount: yes that is normal, i think that has something to do with the textures...well I will check this out, thanks for the hint.
I will improve the alpha stuff as well ...the next beta is in process...