Hi guys and girls,

well the project is not dead at all there have been some radical changes in the concept of the game , this was done because I work alone on all the stuff besides music which will be created by Maurice Thomas Anderson if he has the time to do it. In 2008 my health condition was not the best and I only could do smaller scale stuff like still renderings ,but now I get new kind of medication which helps me a lot. So I decided not to cancel the project but to change the structure of it to be smaller scale but more epic than the first vision I had. It will be divided in 2 missions that are completely different in setting and gameplay, the second mission will be more open.

It will take some time until I can reveal more details but I let you know that I am working and have created on a lot of new stuff. The complete transition from A6 to A7 is also done and the screenshot from Page 50 will be the camera style for the game.

Maybe I post some concept arts throughout the next weeks and months and shots from the development.

sebcrea out ...

Maybe some small stuff from the bad guys.