Oh, yes, sorry, forgot to say that "E" and "shift" is the action key for the red and green smiley. at irst it was on "ctrl", but internet explorer don't like that...

it was A BLAST. no, really. everything just worked. it was the first time, that I really enjoyed making a game. I love the collission system, based on the physic engine. in every game I made with 3DGS, the coll-system made me crazy and I had to make hundreds of workarounds. in Unity... it just work's.
there is only one thing that I miss... "use_box" in the tracing function laugh
everything else = pure love. the workflow is wunderful and I today I could do the whole game in its current status in 3 days. it's that simple.
I will finish it, first the webbrowser version, than a real version with the 2.6 update, with cutscenes made with the new animation editor.

good to know smile
hope I will see something from you soon laugh