
FBX include much more information , a lot of them being of no use for game programming

And what exactly do you mean here? Name me one smile

May i renew my question? Can you name me ONE information?

Talking about low poly? Are you aware that a normal map is sometimes made from a high poly mesh? And a cutscene also counts as game content. It is simply not true that you need to focus on low poly when you make games.

Max, Maya and all that high level package have been made for 3D graphics. Not for a single genre in general. Games is the biggest target market by the way ...

I never said that MilkShape or Fragmotion are as powerfull as Maya or MAX even for modelling and animation
I said that this does not depend on the file format

But i do. When you have just a basic software with basic functionality then its file format is surely also just basic. And what about the cases where i need features that this file format cannot carry?


The comunity of the Indie developer lack a dedicated low poly modeler \ animator but the designer of MilkShape \ Fragmotion \ PaceMkaker will never afford to improve their package if even the hobbyest developer and the Indie game engine prefer to support high level and redundant packages rather than dedicated ones

Uh? Odd statement ...

In conclusion

you encourage the piracy
you kill the small software house
You suffer for the bugs

Err, what?

We talked about the file formats before. What has this to do with piracy, killing software companies and bugs? Me wants some of those pills you have eaten too please grin

What i have understood is that you dislike FBX. Fine. But it makes simply no sense in my opinion. When it doesn't work in your pipeline then simply don't use it. It works in my pipeline. So i use it smile

trueSpace 7.6, A7 commercial
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