So , first of all, please, calm down, ok ?

I'm honestly totally relaxed and find it a bit funny how you explode here. That's why i ask for the pills you have thrown in smile

As usual you express some reasonable opinion in a disagreable manner

As usual, you don't listen to the arguments smile

And the third time:

FBX include much more information , a lot of them being of no use for game programming

Which ones? I still wait for the answer wink

If modern game engine such as C4, DXSTUDIO ,UNITY etc do not support simple file format
If the converters to FBX are buggy
Do you seriously think that MilkShape , fragmotion etc can have a future ?

And again, what has this to do with FBX and that it's oh so buggy as you state here all the time?

Evolution goes on. That's it. When Milkshape decides to stay in the late nineteen nineties then evolution will put it aside. That easy.

Shall really all evolution stop just that your hot loved but outdated Milkshape survives? May i ask you for the name of the pil ... err, sorry ^^

People will be forced to move to MAX , MAYA etc, since most of them can not afford them, you have got the answer

There is more than Max and Maya. There are currently two complete packages out there that doesn't cost a single dime. Blender and trueSpace. Count XSI Modtool for the case you don't want to earn money and you have even three.


Why are the FBX \ COLLADA converter so buggy ?

Why is the pope a woman?

I guess it is due to te fact that these file format are very complex
If you match milkshape and Collada specifications you know what I mean

Wrong. The pope is no woman. The fileformats are not soo buggy, the not existant masses bugs are not because FBX is more complex ... . Your whole causality chain is wrong smile

# 3
Do Collada \ FBX file have real advantage over cheap file format for an indie game developer
Just in case you did not notice it I have alwayes being talking about " Indie " and " games"

Definitely. They do for me. I'm an Indie, and i make games smile

99.90 % of the Indie games could make use of a Milkshape file as far as animation are concerned

There is just a little problem in your calculation. I don't have Milkshape, i don't want Milkshape. I wouldn't even want to use it when you would give me money for that. Milkshape is ways too limited for me. In every area. And especially its file format. It is not bad, but it is outdated.

At what is your 99.9% value based? It is based at your 100% aversion against FBX. Which is irrational, and the value simply wrong.

I can decide for myself what is useful and what not wink

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