So, if I understood well. you can create your scene in your favourite application, without using the built in Game editor
However as far as the animation of characters is concerned there is no any advantage
Only the bugs
Am I right ?

No. Whatever advantages the file format would have would depend on the application importing the file. If an application used bones, then FBX would have them there for the application to use.

If you visit Unity site you can see that also Blender gives problem , probably for the same reasons as FBX
It is a bloated file format

None of the native file formats (.max, .lxo, .ma, etc) are bloated, per se. They are just right for their own applications because they carry all the data that their application needs. However, that data may not be usable by another application and, as such, it is not needed. So, from the perspective of the application that is doing the importing, it could be considered bloated (i.e. carrying data it cannot use), but it would not be from the perspective of the native application itself (i.e. the .max file format in relation to 3DS MAX).

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