Originally Posted By: Tiles
FBX is your "standard game oriented file format". X is another.

We are repeating and repeating alwayes the same stuff

Everybody knows that FBX is supposed to be a common standard for graphic application
As Frank said , Collada would be even better from this point of view

However one thing is the theory an other the practice

FBX and COllada are around for a long time nevertheless they are still buggy

I dont care if I nust blame the file itself or the application or the converter or the engine
I know that I must cross my fingers whenever I try to upload these file into my my engine
I know that I have never had a problem with .mdl or Blitz or Milkshape

If even AUTODEX MAX \ FBX converter is not 100 % reliable than this is a serious issue

I really dont know how you insist to claim that these files ate not bloated
"Bloated" of course for game programming, not in general
Ventilator has clearly explained to you the reason why FBX is not 100 % fit for a game engine
If FBX support nurbs, just an example, while game engine work with triangulated meshhes only, ins't a case of redundancy ?

Virtual reality \ movies and Games are of course close relatives but , upt to a certain extent, they are also substantially different

In my opinion the game programming market segment need dedicated tools i.e dedicated files format and dedicated modelling \ animator packages

Yhey might be FBX \Collada and MAx\ Maya light and tweaked version