Very nice game!

Runs on my Vista PC. installed it in d drive to be save that vista
does not hassle with the installation.

Some remarks:


Controls: you should work over the Menu controlls.

I suggest that you map all menuactions onto the

and (mouse-left confirmkey, mouse righ go-back-key)

keys in paralel.

right now the player has to jump between different
keys all the time.
You basically just need 4 direction keys, a confirmation key
and one "go back" key to jump to the previous menulevel.
They should stay the same thoughout the menu.


its all very nice already.

-show some parachute icon for the parachute.
-limit the time you can deploy the parachute. (countdown)
-let the player by able to deactivate the parachute.

-A replay function would be really cool, especially when the
player can change the camera angle then, and the jumper
drags behind a smoketrail

-add a "ghost flyer", where you record the best previous
jump in this map, and display it as a transparent
jumper when replaying the map. The player can try to
follow him then (like in a race)

-maby some effect of breaking (particles that fall with you
some time)
when breaking a "point-plate"

apart from that, a really nicely made casual game with
good sound and artwork.